The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club by Sophie Green - Blog Tour

The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club by Sophie Green
Genre: Fiction
Source: Sphere
Rating: 4'5/5

The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club is not simply a book about a meeting, is how a "simple" book could change the life of a person. The Northern Territory seems a difficult place to live, so our five strong women decide to create a book club to make easy to cope with the isolation, harsh climate and solitude. But as the book club progresses their friendship deepens and goes stronger, full of happiness and sadness, like life.
It was quite original reading events of all the years that the book club was active, it's always nice to learn some historical events!
This is a book to enjoy, not only because it's a great read but how they talk about books and make you think how really a book can affect your mood or your thoughts, this book will make you happy and sad, but it will be with you for a long time.
Ready for the meeting?

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